On 21 April 2020, the Dutch government extended the measures to combat the spread of coronavirus, but it also eased some measures. This means that, as from Wednesday 29 April, young people up to and including 18 years of age are allowed to train outdoors together, though this training must be supervised.
Adults are asked to be patient for a little longer, provisionally until Wednesday 20 May. Organised sports training is prohibited until that time, which also applies to the organisation of matches. People are, of course, allowed to take a walk or go cycling or jogging, however social distancing of 1.5 metres must be observed.
Exercising at home
As such, exercising in and around the home is still the perfect option for adults to remain fit and healthy. For now, this is just the way it is, but the main thing is that we all continue exercising! That is because this has several benefits. Physical exercise stimulates the immune system, is good for the condition of the heart and lungs and it keeps muscles, tendons and bones strong. Another benefit is that exercise alleviates feelings of anxiety and stress. Therefore, exercising regularly in your own area has numerous benefits, so keep it up! However, take a sensible approach to exercise. Listen to your body, avoid unnecessary injuries. Know when you are reaching your limit and use, for example, a brace. A brace can offer that little bit of assurance, which allows you to remain active in a carefree way.
Exercise guidelines
The exercise guidelines, drawn up by the Health Council by order of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, are clear: at least 150 minutes of moderately intensive exercise a week. This varies from walking and cycling, to doing the housework or gardening. The additional advice goes on to say that, in addition, bone and muscle strengthening activities should be done twice a week. For elderly people, balance exercises should be added to these activities.
Home exercises
What are muscle-strengthening exercises exactly? They are in fact activities to improve the strength and endurance of your muscles. Considering the circumstances, this may require some improvisation, but don’t make things too complicated for yourself. A bit of jogging, football or playing tennis against a wall, or fitness exercises in and around the house: as long as you are moving. Quite simply, a bicycle ride will already strength the muscles.
Bone-strengthening activities could, for example, include strength training. And don’t make things too difficult for yourself – you can easily use your own body for this. For example, skipping with a rope is sufficient. If you prefer to take a gentler approach, you could walk or climb the stairs. Balance exercises focus mainly on improving the balance, whilst you are standing or moving. You can do this by standing on one leg, walking along a line one foot immediately in front of the other, or by picking up an object from the ground. Balance exercises reduce the risk of ankle injuries and also help to prevent a repeat of these injuries. Hip, knee and back problems can be reduced and prevented through regular balance exercises.
In any case, whilst at home, move around as much as possible, but do this in a healthy and safe manner. That is an important incentive for us. So that you can push yourself and find the limits of your physical abilities. Because with Push Sports, you are in control. Whatever the level you are performing at whilst at home.