The Dutch Badminton Association was founded in 1931, and changed its name to Badminton Nederland in 2010. Some 85,000 members are active in the sport of badminton in the Netherlands. Experience has shown that when the level of badminton played is higher, relatively more overload injuries occur.

Below are a few points for attention regarding injuries in the sport of badminton:
•    Around 1/3 of injuries are a repeat of an old injury
•    60% of acute injuries occur during training
•    In 31% of injuries stumbling/twisting is named as the causal mechanism

(Source: Injury information system, TNO)

The knee and ankle are the most frequently injured body parts. On average diagnoses show that overload injuries are the most common.

In the top 10 diagnoses, ligament injuries and twists/sprains are well represented. Possible contributing factors are insufficient warm-ups, subfloor or unsuitable footwear. The use of a Push Sports brace can allow badminton players to play more safely from the point of view of prevention. Ankle and knee braces in particular can also encourage recovery following an injury.

As a result of the 'clacking' in of the foot, the ligaments on the outside of the ankle can become overstretched or even tear. Adequate protective equipment including a brace along with a proper warm-up is very useful.

Due to the multiple and repeated movements of the wrist, it is in particular possible that the wrist ligaments will become overloaded. The high capacity for movement of the wrist joint makes the joint highly mobile, but in addition also vulnerable to injuries. Proper support of the wrist using a Push Sports Wrist Brace or Wrist Support is therefore highly advised.

Due to the multiple chopping-turning-jumping-landing actions, the knee joint is sometimes severely put to the test. Knee ligaments, meniscal tears and cruciate ligaments ensure a relatively stable joint. In the event of increased loading of the knee or knee pain, a Push Sports Knee Brace can give you just that bit of extra support to ensure that your sporting experience is as good as it can be and above all also stays that way.

The wrist tensors in particular, which attach to the elbow, can become overloaded when playing badminton. Holding the racket is above all done by this muscle group, along with a part of the movement. This is a good reason to afford extra attention to this often painful spot with the Push Sports Elbow Brace, both to prevent and treat injuries.

Jumping is an essential part of badminton, but landing is too. So-called jumper's knee is a reasonably frequent complaint of the tendon directly beneath the knee ligament. This ligament is used very often during these movements and can quickly become overloaded. The ligament can give rise to many complaints and sometimes even render sport (temporarily) impossible. Use of a good patella brace, such as that made by Push Sports, is advisable in order to manage the pain or prevent anything more serious.

Matching injuries

Knee injury

Knee injury

Patella injury

Patella injury

Elbow injury

Elbow injury

Thumb injury

Thumb injury

Ankle injury

Ankle injury

Wrist injury

Wrist injury

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