Wrist injuries can be divided up into acute and chronic injuries. Acute wrist injuries are often a result of a fall on the outstretched arm. Breaking of the radius or of one of the carpus bones can be the result. The healing process for these breaks is generally slow as a result of less good blood circulation in the vicinity.
Chronic wrist complaints in equipment gymnastics are mostly the result of repeated so-called shock syndrome, which acts on the wrists on receiving the bodyweight on the hands and with support on and moving away of the hands. In the first instance, overload injuries are hereby caused to in particular the tendons and the capsule around the wrist joint.
In the event of wrist complaints, depending on the nature and location of the wrist injury and the (over)stretching that is caused in the elbows, in individual cases it is advised to place the hands somewhat more to the inside or further to the outside. In addition to correct placement of the hands, it is important to avoid overstretching of the wrists during support moments.
The stabilising of the wrists to avoid overstretching calls for well trained forearm muscles. The wearing of a Push Sports Wrist Brace or Push Sports Wrist Support can help to stabilise the wrist, whereby the damaged tissue gets a chance to repair itself. The brace can also be worn in addition to when practising gymnastics, directly after occurrence of the injury.